Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Lucky Seven - Game of Tag

I've been tagged in the Lucky Seven Game by my fellow hard-boiled author David Manuel.

How does it work?
  • Go to page 7 or 77 in your current Work In Progress
  • Go to line 7
  • Post on your blog the next 7 sentences or 7 lines - as they are!
  • Tag 7 people to do the same.
My current Work in Progress is the sequel to "Teardrops in an Ocean" and is called "A Horse Named Morbid". Here are the lines from page 7:

...As my thoughts returned to the real source of my frustrations I scratched my hand some more and realised how much I really needed this job. Oh how simple life can be when your only concern is the next hit. While I had been focussing on my addiction, Mr. Bacalla had carried on talking and I had only taken in fragments. I tuned back in.
“...a hamlet known locally as The Fen. Apparently there are some farming families that have been feuding for years and now-”
“I’m sorry!?” I interjected, “what the f--- is a hamlet?”...

So far I'm tagging:

Tim Atkinson
James L. Thane
Joe Barlow
John Rachel
Michael Hibbard
Philip David Alexander
James Dargan
Pamela Martin
Alexandar Tomov

That's more than 7; what a renegade!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. I love that line, "what the f--- is a hamlet?" And good for you tagging so many! Makes up for me tagging so few!
