Friday 18 July 2014

GR Question 3 - What's the best thing about being a writer?

For me the whole process is a relief. I have far too many ideas for stories and they've been rattling around my head all my life.

Writing helps a bit as it lets me focus my mind on a single project and take some of the burden off in terms of holding a story.

Unfortunately however, I tend to come up with ideas a lot faster than I can write them down. This is sometimes very distracting and frustrating and I have to force myself to ignore the yammerings of my brain and concentrate solely on the job in hand.

But the "best thing" about being a writer is simple: people reading my stories. Sometimes it feels like a hobby, other times it feels like a job and sometimes the readers love it and other times they hate. But despite all this, I was born to be a story teller and so tell stories I shall. I have a voice and if someone will just take a moment to listen it is all worthwhile.

...So thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read one of my books already.

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