Thursday, 7 August 2014

Ax by Ed McBain - A Review (3 Star)

3 star for me is "I liked it", 4 star is "I loved it", 5 is "I couldn't live without it".

Bearing in mind most of his books were churned out in a month or two each, all I was expecting from Ed McBain was a "like" and that's what I got. His books are like the equivalent of a soap opera, the individual story arcs might be a little weak, but you grow to love the on-running characters...

Oh wait! That was actually just my review for "Cop Hater" just churned out under another title... how weird....

I think you get my drift. Like "Cop Hater" this was just another investigation where we grow closer to the cops as they pursue standard lines of investigation pointlessly until a coincidence or events out of their control plants the perpetrator in their hands.

I feel I should give this a lower rating for the fact that it seemed to do nothing more than "Cop Hater" but it also did nothing less and so that would be unfair. I enjoyed it and it didn't last very long and I have a few more on my shelf to read but if it carries on like this I may have to call time and...

"cite out"


...Cop Joke!

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